An introduction to the world survey grid, baseline Giza
The Giza plateau contains a survey grid to which the pyramids and ancient buildings of the plateau have been aligned at their time of construction.
The grid tessellates completely around the globe in longitude and in latitude up to the north pole and down to the south pole. The first grid (0,0) is the one shown in the illustration and the final grid (0,11573)
at the same latitude overlaps the first grid on the Giza plateau and aligns with the small statue between the paws of the Sphinx.
The details of the grid's construction method and the alignments to the buildings on the plateau, which include the centimeter accurate corner locations
of the Great Pyramid, are contained in two published papers. The first paper, paper 'L' published in 2023, details the completed grid's construction and includes
details of other locations on the planet where the grid aligns with other ancient structures.
The world survey grid, prime meridian Giza.
March 2023, The Great Pyramid Papers, Paper L
The second paper, paper 'J' published in 2022, describes the preliminary construction of the grid system and was written before
the technical details required to solve the grid were fully known.
The Great Pyramid's solar system map and the original surveying grid of the Giza Plateau.
March 2022, The Great Pyramid Papers, Paper J
The grid system has recently been found to continue to tessellate around the globe beyond what was thought to be the final grid in the system, and so a second circuit
of the world grid exists and the longitude grid number has no upper limit to it.
If you select from the menu system at the top of this page "WORLD GRIDS" you will find a collection of Google Earth KML files to download which show the world grid
at various locations around the globe.
The item in the menu "GRID CREATOR" allows latitude and longitude details from anywhere on Earth to be inputted into the software and the specific individual grid from the world grid can then be formed at
your chosen location. Grids can be saved using the software which also allows saved grids to be shared as links.
"PATH CREATOR" contains a complex geodesic path creator which produces KML files of paths which start from a single point and then take bearing and distance parameters to arrive at a second point. The paths
can be made up of any number of points, can contain side branches, can be marked with a variety of markers and line colours, and can be shifted over time spans using tectonic plate movement.
This path creator is invaluable in assisting with the analysis of the monuments on the Giza plateau and elsewhere.
This page was last updated on 12th March 2023